Dental Shuttle
4 Months | Team Project
“If a child can laugh about a procedure,
they will not be afraid of it” - Gary Edwards
Time Frame
September 2016 - February 2017
September 2016 - February 2017
SolidWorks, SolidEdge, Keyshot, Adobe Illustrator & CES Edu Pack.
SolidWorks, SolidEdge, Keyshot, Adobe Illustrator & CES Edu Pack.
Design a dental accessory to improve the interaction between dentist and child patients, as well as the experience for both parties. Minimize child anxiety and fear during appointments.
We felt it was important to do research that was based in the actual experiences of dentists and patients in the field. We conducted on-site visits and interviews with dentists in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the problem at hand.

After completing research and analyzing the results, we were able to identify a few key concerns to direct the design and creation of our product.

Overall Process
The aim was to attend to the overall process of development of the product. During the ideation of the project, major considerations related to the design and manufacturing process were addressed, as shown below, among others.


The Dental Shuttle won the Joan Roset i Ventosa Award from the Garraf College of Engineers in Barcelona for its excellence in quality, innovation, sustainability, and technical feasibility.